Scott Frost names Nebraska's starting quarterback, making everyone hurl

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 Casey Thomspson was designated the starting quarterback for the Nebraska football team by Scott Frost, but for some unknown reason, the offensive line frequently pukes.

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Casey Thompson is Casey Frost's new starting quarterback, but his Nebraska football squad can't seem to quit throwing up

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Frost thinks that his Cornhuskers offensive line collectively pukes between 15 and 20 times per practise, despite the fact that "Casey's going to be the guy"

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Frost attributes the Huskers' frequent use of No.3 on the field to new offensive line coach Donovan Raiola. "He's just pushing them really hard"

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This is what happens when you consume Cinnabons in front of Jimmy McGill and Saul Goodman at a nearby Omaha food court, just like Jerry Gergich did.

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These cornfed youngsters had to be strapped to Donna Meagle's automobile after a night out, not that the Cornhuskers were pounding snake juice in Pwanee the night before

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