PC Credit: vogue

August 29, 2022: Aquarius Horoscope Today

PC Credit: vogue

You're waking up with a song in your heart today.

PC Credit: vogue

You're thankful for where you are, grateful for where you're headed, and grateful for all that has happened on your journey.

PC Credit: vogue

Just make sure you're telling the Universe how grateful you are - a simple exercise that will turn you into a magnet for the nice things that are coming your way right now.

PC Credit:vogue

Oh, and there's one more thing! Remember to pass on the goodness.

PC Credit: vogue

Remember to express your affection, perform acts of kindness, and make your fellow unicorns smile.

PC Credit: vogue

Overheard at the cosmic conference: laughter is the ultimate supplication to the enigmatic forces above.

PC Credit: Sydney 

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